LS Mario Animated Theme for iPhone 4

Free Download LS Mario Animated Theme for iPhone 4
Main Features:
-Weather Widget
-Animated Wallpaper
-Clock Widget
Compatible iDevices:
-iPhone 4
-iPhone 3GS
-iPod Touch 4
Compatible iOS versions:
Apps Required to use this theme:
-Lockscreen Clock Hide

Supports: iOS 4.2.X, iOS 4.3.X
Instructions to configure LockBackground.html
*Adjusting your weather location
To change the weather go to and enter your location, then click on the "Find Weather" tab. Next, in the address bar, copy the 8-character code (Example: ITXX0042 = Milan,Italy). Open the LockBackground.html file and search for "var locale" then paste your weather code in the "ITXX0042". If you want to change the weather to Fahrenheit, search for "var isCelsius" and then change this to "false". Example: “var isCelsius = true” will display your temperature in Celsius.
*Only 12H Format
*Setting Days and Months
Open file LockBackground.html and search:
var this_weekday_name_array = new Array("Sun","Mon","Tues","Wednes","Thurs","Fri","Satur")
var this_month_name_array = new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","July","August","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec") //predefine month names
weekdays = new Array('S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'Th', 'F', 'S');
months = new Array('January',  'February',  'Mars',  'April',  'May',  'June',  'July',  'August',   'September', 'October',  'November',  'December');
and rename your language.


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